The preconditions for scientific insights

Perjantai 10.1.
10.00 - 11.15
Studium 1, Helsingin yliopiston päärakennus, Fabianinkatu 33
Tilaisuutta ei kuvata verkkoon

A mix of material, social, and intellectual factors make scientific insights possible. Yet, the historical and social aspects of creativity often take a backseat to the idea of individual brilliance, perpetuated not least by the scientists themselves. They range from psychological factors to the structures of higher education and society's varying attitudes toward scientific practices. 

In this discussion, we will explore examples of these preconditions and discuss how they change over time. Panelists will shed light on the topic from the viewpoint of their respective disciplines of music education, physics and history. 


  • Moderator: Stefan Nygård (University of Helsinki) 

  • Professor emeritus Risto Nieminen (Aalto University) 

  • Professor Johan Östling (Lund University) 

  • Professor Heidi Partti (University of the Arts Helsinki)