

  1. Daily Debate: Do you speak Finnish? Is it possible to live and work in Finland without speaking the language?

    population growth. We need labor migration in many different sectors that lack experts and operators. Are ... Finnish? And would more people be interested in staying in Finland if the ability to speak Finnish was less ... important? Debaters will give real life examples from academia and argue what are the pros and cons in ...

  2. Progress in Science and Beyond – Why Tolerate Mistakes and Detours?

    Tilaisuutta ei kuvata verkkoon Scientific progress and the progress of academic inquiry in general is no ... when one is least expecting them, and they typically require years of basic research.  In this session, ... the humanities and social sciences differ from natural sciences in their mechanisms of progress?  ...

  3. Jaettu tulevaisuus – mahdottoman mielikuvittelua ja yhteisiä kuunteluharjoituksia / Shared Futures – Listening exercises to imagine the impossible

    with others? In this workshop, participants will work on multisensory listening exercises to delve ... deeper into thinking about radical imagination. You can participate in English or Finnish. The exercises ... are done independently and in groups. No experience in arts is necessary. taiteilija ja kuvataiteen ...

  4. Who is the expert? Positioning of Students as Researchers

    at the University of Helsinki and outside the academia. Despite gaining fundamental skills in ... insights? What strengths might students have that provide other insights than researchers for many years in ... students have in contributing to research? How are research skills adding value to students’ success in ...

  5. Is current knowledge brokering impactful? Insights and oversights from science-policy interface

    Participation requires registration. More information and link to registration in the Hanasaari website. ...

  6. Daily Debate: The planetary dimension: a new initiative for historical research?

    present and future, instead of from the past? What could history be like for humans in the age of climate ...

  7. The preconditions for scientific insights

    practices.  In this discussion, we will explore examples of these preconditions and discuss how they change ...

  8. Olemmeko valmiita muuttamaan ruokavalioitamme? – ympäristöllisesti kestävän ja terveellisen ruokavalion haasteet Suomessa

    (Helsingin yliopisto): Economic barriers to the adoption of sustainable diets in Finland  professori ...

  9. Tieteen päivät Jyväskylässä 8.–11.1.2025

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  10. Tieteen päivät Joensuussa 11.1.2025

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